Use Advanced Services To Stand Out In Your Real Estate Photography

Below are the advanced services that you can offer:

Making the virtual tour of a property

With the advances in technology, there are lots of now that requesting the Virtual Tour or the 360-degree tour. Being a photographer, it is simple for you to discover and upgrade the skills to offer like value-added services in gaining the competitive advantage.

Aerial real estate photography using drone

The aerial pictures had been an expected addition, if marketing a substantial property. The aerial view of the bigger property will wow a competition.

The drones had made the aerial real estate picture taking affordable. The real estate drone picture making is not only the viable alternative in the market now; it is becoming a necessity. Affordable drones can be availed with both record and then take still pictures — the more costly a drone is, the better its media quality. The higher priced drone is also craggier to withstand an element, like the wind.

The real estate drone photo shoot provides details:

  • Closer inspection of a roof and those hard to reach feature
  • Property surveys and maps
  • The surrounding area, nearby amenities and your neighbors
  • View of the whole property

You do not need to become a pilot to take into consideration adding the real estate drone photo shoot to the list of your services. Outsourcing is another option, but, when you can play the video game, you will probably fly the drone.

Right techniques to excel in the real estate photo shoot

Shooting exteriors

  • Exterior lighting – don’t shoot with insensitive sunlight where the shadows would be that strong. When a cloudy day will not possible, the sunset is the best choice. When possible, plan the exterior photo shots at dusk. A natural light about a sundown will make dramatic outcomes; noted as a fine selling real estate. Switch on every light in your house. At dusk, the other natural light balances a house light.  To become sure that you take the real estate photo lighting correct, photo shoots many shots and with varied exposures.
  • If dusk is not your option, the sun will be a problem. Take pictures with your reverse in the sun. Bear in mind that white, bright skies will lessen the images impact.
  •  Camera height for the exterior shots – the exterior shots make the best better results from the greater heights. Sometimes the tripod's limitations aren’t high enough; 6-12 feet is suggested. Use a painter's pole in extending a tripod. A pole should be secured to make sure that the camera is secured. Stability is a priority.

Shooting interiors

The outdoor lighting combined with interior lightings typically conflicts the color balance. When necessary and the time permit, the color matches interior lights to an outside color. Hone the skills in the Photoshop color correction.

  • Using flash – changing shutter speeds can only affect the constant light sources. The flash is an irregular light. The multi-flash wireless methods enable repositioning for a fine result. The removable flash permits the light "bouncing" off the wall or ceiling. Not the best outcomes, but workable.
  • Using light stands – well-lit, small rooms and closets will require a solo light source. Bigger areas like kitchens and family rooms will significantly benefit from even more. The affordable light stand (or 2) allows you to properly position lights. The little investment will permit you to make more professional photography, like stairwells, hallways, etc.
  • Blown out windows – only if the view is astonishing, a picture that captures a view from a window is not necessary. Overexposing a window is at times a benefit to bring concentration to the area itself. 


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